Gare Bear Gets Married

According to the Urban Dictionary and to many of us here at FirstTracks, “Gare Bear” is a term of endearment — for a really nice guy named Gary. “A Gare Bear is always pleasant to be around and enjoys light-hearted conversation,” UD says. Well, we couldn’t agree more! If you haven’t met Gary Scarboro, our website user interface & experience designer, then perhaps you don’t know just how fitting this is. He is nothing short of an extremely nice and talented guy and an integral part of our team. It was a client who first coined Gary with this nickname, and despite his best efforts, it has stuck.

Last spring Gary flew off to Greece for an unforgettable vacation. We waited at the office in anticipation as we had heard about a dazzling diamond ring and his plans to present it to his long-term love Rachael Gottsche. It was in Santorini that Gary dropped to one knee for an unbelievable proposal. In true Gary fashion, he came up with an impressive plan, orchestrated the details to the T, and went big! We are lucky to share a few of these stunning images from their engagement!

Gary has been a creative force at FirstTracks since October 2015. We are not really sure what everyday office life would be like without Gary — not only for his ideas and work, but because he is the type of guy that you always want on your team. If you haven’t had the pleasure of working with Gary on a website or design project, then you are no doubt missing some creative energy, attention to detail, and positive momentum.

As a member of our FirstTracks family, we simply want to wish Gary, our one and only Gare Bear, and his lovely bride-to-be, well on the eve of their wedding. Congratulations Rachael and Gary! We hope you have the time of your life celebrating this momentous occasion!

And for the record Gary, it was Billy who said we could call you Gare Bear in print.


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