5th Annual Summer Send Off

The FirstTracks Team enjoyed a fun summer day together at Lake Sunapee.

All work and no play makes for a burnt out team. In order to inspire creativity, strengthen collaboration and fuel our spirit, we make time for team fun. At FirstTracks, we have a favorite summer tradition. Every year we pick a summer day to head to the lake. Sunapee State Beach has been the venue for many a friendly lawn game competition! 2019 marked the 5th anniversary of this awesome tradition of boat rides, BBQs and summer fun.

A team that plays together, works better together.

It’s important to our company culture that we take time to decompress and have fun. Friendly competition among colleagues breeds team unity and connection! Our company culture is focused on fun, creativity, collaboration, support and so much more. Our culture is shaped by day-to-day activities but is always solidified at special events. We all choose to live and work in the great state of New Hampshire and it feels kismet to celebrate our camaraderie in a beautiful spot.

FirstTracks Marketing leadership taking a tour of Lake Sunapee.

So long Summer, bring on the Fall!

As we send off summer proper we all look ahead with excitement and vigor to make the 2019 holiday season the best ever for all of our clients. We also have some exciting events coming up this fall where we will be sending a few key staff members out to continue building and improving how we do what we do to ensure we deliver the levels of success our clients desire. Stay tuned for updates on those in the very near future!

New Ideas & Inspiration
