Download Our Marketing Automation Translator

Marketing is an incredibly broad word that encapsulates a multitude of different strategies, approaches, mentalities, and challenges. Using one term to cover so much has created an internal language that marketers use among one another to effectively communicate their ideas. What happens when a company hires a marketing agency and the two parties use a different shorthand? It creates inefficiencies that cost time and money.
Download our “Ultimate Guide to Marketing Automation Technology.” It will help you understand what marketers are saying. No more having to remember the difference between CRM, CPL, CMS, CPA, and CTAs, just to name a few. Download our free PDF for a thorough walk-through of modern automation terms, complete with explanations and examples. This guide will help you not only understand the components of marketing automation, but also will help you and your agency partners communicate more effectively to maximize efficiencies and drive more sales.