It was our first week of remote working –
a bit wild, but inspiring.
The weekends are the time when we look forward to doing fun things, relaxing and visiting with our families and friends. I can honestly say that this is the first Saturday / Sunday in a long time where there have been no plans, which feels really weird. As the COVID-19 crisis rapidly evolves many of us hunkered down. Given my open schedule I spent time reflecting, and I wanted to share some thoughts and proud moments from this past week. At a critical time, I was impressed and grateful for the team we have, the work we do, and the clients we serve.
Our team rallied to make marketing, sales and development adjustments to serve clients in a time of need and uncertainty. With us all working from our homes around the state it was critical that we kicked communication skills into overdrive. We fielded and continue to field emergency update requests from clients forced to adjust their businesses, outreach and online spaces to accommodate the changing social and economic climate. I couldn’t help but include the GIF below because I think it sums up the week.

Here are some specific highlights from the week:
- Mike’s Organic Delivery – Mike called us this week because like all of us, he needed to adapt to developing needs. As an organic food delivery service supporting regions of Connecticut, and urgent need developed to closely manage stock and availability online. It was their mission to deliver as much quality food to people as possible, without overselling. As you can imagine, demand was at an all time high. We worked with their team to put a plan in place for more effective inventory management so that they could focus on getting orders out and delivered. We ran site updates, imported their stock, published status changes and made sure their server was up to the traffic spike! Mike’s Organic Delivery had their single biggest online order day ever, processing 190 orders in just a few hours! We are thrilled to create and support technology that is helping feed so many. If you are in the area of Stamford, CT, I highly recommend you check them out for some quality goods.
- Whole Health Concord – As a health and wellness provider this long time client and local Concord,NH business faced inventory shortages on key products. We helped them quickly adjust their homepage to provide COVID-19 information and critical updates. Patients needed fast and concise communication of ongoing changes especially in regard to availability of important medications.
- The Rowley Agency – As an insurance company important updates to their website were needed immediately. We were able to jump in and setup important FAQs about COVID-19 and how that might affect your insurance.
- Loon Pond Farm – In the midst of all the news conferences, we helped design and launch a new website for a local farm. Loon Pond Farm is tapping trees and needed a way to sell the maple syrup they are making right now. As so many of their regularly attended events for them are being cancelled, the new e-commerce functionality was key. Loyal customers and anyone looking for some quality maple products can now buy them online. Special kudos to our Design Team for their new logo – Bigfoot Maple. It looks awesome and tastes even better!
- New Hampshire Business Finance Authority – Every business is making adjustments right now, including New Hampshire Business Finance Authority. We assisted with creating a new temporary loans page that may benefit some local businesses who are being hit hardest by these changes.
- All of our e-commerce clients are adapting right now too. Each had their own needs and announcements as we face uncertain and unprecedented times. Whether it be closings or special promotions, our team has rallied to provide support.
Things are changing fast, and nobody knows what’s next. Together, we will get through this.
Our team is here (even if here is in our homes) and working at 100% capacity. In challenging times such as these, we find great inspiration in teamwork. If you need anything please don’t hesitate to reach out, even if we have never worked together before. We have an energetic and committed team of digital experts who specialize in a wide variety of technology but including programmers, designers and marketers. Communication right now is incredibly key, and we can help you get the word out – whatever that means to you. We will do everything we can to help you adjust to these changing times. Feel free to give us a call at 603-924-1978 or fill out our short online form. We also offer a live chat feature right here on our site. For the time being please continue to wash those hands, practice your social distancing, be safe and be healthy.