Amazon: On Line Outta Line. Where is the Brand Plan Control?

Is this where the Brand Plan says we should be?

Amazon is planning on going all brick and mortar on us in a west coast test market. I think an oh so overused word applies here, REALLY!? As a brand planner I’d like to think that someone at this master of the online universe might be screaming.

When I start to type into my browser, “amazon”, it immediately switches to “amazon-online.” There, that’s it. That’s what they are and that’s what they do. I get it and so does everyone else.

They built this model, they live, eat and breath this model and everyone has been playing catch up for how many years? The consumer knows what they do and so why on earth would they want to reach out to the brick and mortar they have been hammering for years. What do they think they can possibly bring to the table that is MEANINGFUL to the shoppers, better merchandising, better brands, better sales people, better in store muzak? Why would I go? What’s in it for me? Because at the end of the day it is all about the ME and the me knows that Amazon is great deals on the products I want ONLINE.

Get your focus on for your Brand Plan

Having a brand plan and then letting it guide your business is, well, it’s really important. Be it a service, an emporium, or hospital, it’s the stick, the beacon, the guide pointing the way. Beware of those that diss the guide. They end up falling off that cliff into lost profit and confused customers. The brand planning process is hard work and the heavy lifting of marketing your business. We really love this stuff. Heave Ho.

If you would like to talk with us more about how we can help you enhance, control, improve or even create a whole new brand for your organization give us a call at 603-924-1978 or fill out our short contact form.

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