An Unexpected Opportunity
Throughout the first semester of my senior year of high school, I was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to intern at FirstTracks Marketing as part of my design internship. My experience has been nothing short of outstanding. Through the guidance of Gary Scarboro and Matt Nelson, I gained first-hand experience in the marketing and design industry, a career I’m interested in pursuing once I graduate from high school. In the mixture of a professional environment and an industry-level expectation, I was able to gain a full perspective of what this profession entails. In an office full of hard workers and divergent thinkers, FirstTracks Marketing showed me what being a professional marketer and designer truly looks like.
Entering the Professional World: First Impressions and Teamwork
From the very start of my design internship here, I was met with friendly smiles and kind greetings from all the FirstTracks members. I originally felt uneasy and out of place until I witnessed the ease in each member as they communicated with one another. In just my observation alone, I witnessed how each employee spoke to one another with respect and professionalism. Many times I’d see multiple members of the team at a single desk, collaborating and cooperating to accomplish their collective goals as marketers and designers. It opened my eyes to the importance of interaction and teamwork when playing a role in this industry.
My First Project: Creating Website Videos and Facing Initial Challenges

In my design internship, my first assignment was to create two different website videos to be displayed on the “Homepage” and the “About Us” page. I was first required to create two in-depth storyboards that included each shot explained thoroughly. Once completed, I worked over a few weeks to collect my footage. During this time, I felt I struggled the most to complete the task. I felt out of place filming people as they worked, or even worse: having to distract them from their tasks to complete my own. By the beginning of December, I came to my senses. I realized that this was all just an opportunity for me to learn and grow through hands-on experience. It was all in the acceptance of my learning process that I was able to find the motivation to take the initiative. In the following weeks of December, I went into the office with a new agenda and a positive mindset to present my final products. I was learning to find a new sense of professionalism in my approach to my future work.
The impact of my design internship to me
Over this past semester, I have learned and been taught so much about the road ahead of me. It is a fast-paced, creative, and collaborative career that is helpful to so many business owners looking to improve their expertise. I am so grateful for all the people who made this possible. Without them, I wouldn’t have gained the knowledge this experience has given me. All thanks to FirstTracks Marketing, my goal of becoming a designer is a step closer.